As you probably know, we are carrying Wedi board again. This is my all time favorite substrate to use. It is the easiest to use. If you have never used it before then read my Wedi review below.
Wediboard is a lightweight substrate that you can literally cut with a utility knife. It has a styrofoam center covered in a layer of mesh and then a layer of cement. Even though it is so lightweight, it will hold a lot of weight. This includes the weight of glass mosaic tiles! My favorite thing to mosaic is a round shape. This is very difficult to achieve with a wood base. But with Wedi, I can cut whatever size circle I want with my utility knife. I don't have to ask my hubby to cut my surfaces anymore!
Wedi board comes in two thicknesses, 1/2" and 1/4". While the 1/4" is perfect for some projects,
I think hanging 1/2" is so much easier. This is because I found this cool hanging nail thingy at Lowe's that makes it a snap. All you do is hammer the sharp end into the wall where you want your finished piece to hang. Then take your mosaic and press it onto the blunt end of the nail thingy. That is it! I have a piece in my showroom that is about 2 1/2 feet in diameter that is hanging this way with no problems. As long as you get the right size, it won't poke through to your surface and pop your tiles off. Please remember that you can't do this with 1/4". It is too thin.

The other issue people have is with how to finish the edges of Wedi. When you cut it there will be exposed edges that show the blue styrofoam. I have done several things to cover it. The best way for me is to simply rub my grout along the edge. It covers the edges and keeps consistency with the grout color of the mosaic itself. I have also used the copper foil from stained glass stores and the aluminum tape from Lowes for duct work. It all works well for me I just prefer the look of the grouted edge.
I have heard people say that Wedi cannot be used outdoors. However on the Wedi website it shows that they use this stuff to create showers and such. I imagine it would be fine as long as you prep it well by covering all of your exposed edges with thinset.
There will be more to come on the subject of Wedi...
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