If you stand in front of your piece and snap the picture you will most likely see yourself and all the glaring light around you. The colors will not turn out correct and you will probably end up with a very dark picture. Iridescent glass causes the same problem as the crystal glass.
To get a decent picture without a professional photographer, you will need a good camera. Those cheap digitals don't do much for glass tile. You will need some sort of light diffusing system. I found a great set up at Wal-Mart that was cheap back in the camera department.

After having the proper tools, you need to plan to take a picture of the finished mosaic from an angle. This will keep the reflections low. You don't have to go at such a stark angle as the picture to the right but get a little tilt on your angle.
Here are two of our product pictures taken at different angles so you can see the difference. The one on the bottom is exactly like the actual blend. The one on top threw the colors terribly. (Yes we are working on better pictures ourselves!)

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